Thursday, June 4, 2009

no sweat... actually, no stink

I made something today.  Deodorant. 

I haven't used antiperspirant in a long time.  Like two years or something.  It is not very good for you.  And I don't like yellow pit stains in my shirts.  So, no antiperspirant for me.
Sure, I sweat.  But I don't stink.
I found a great recipe for homemade deodorant here

3 Tablespoons shea butter
3 Tablespoons baking soda
2 Tablespoons corn starch
2 Tablespoons cocoa butter
2 vitamin E oil gel caps (puncture and squeeze out the oil)
Essential Oil (I used ylang yang and orange)

I switched to this deodorant last fall.  I love it.  The ingredients are simple and it works so well!  When I say it works well, I mean you may sweat buckets, but you will not stink!  And your shirt pits will not turn yellow.
Here is a little variation on that recipe, you can find moisturizers (usually "body butter" or something thick like that) made mostly of shea and cocoa butter that are already scented with essential oils (read the ingredients), and so I use about 5 tablespoons of that.  Mix the Vitamin E oil to lotion.  And then just add the baking soda and corn starch to that.  I like Bath & Body Works body butters and massage butters for a quick deodorant.

Seriously, this stuff works well.  Fresh pits all day.  And night!

Not very crafty... but homemade.  And healthy.


stephasauri said...

It really works? It's not just a good smell trying to mask a yucky one (like when people smoke, then use body spray)? I trust you, though, so it must work. When I get the ingredients together, I'll give it a try. I'm not a fan of pit stains!

Beth said...

i gave up on anti-persperants a couple of years ago as well. i have never considered making my own, i would love to try it! however i might question how economical it is to go out and buy all of the ingredients vs. buying a stick of deodorant for five bucks that seems to last quite a while. but you are an expert at that sort of thing. definately worth looking into though!

Jenn said...

I finally got all my ingredients together, and I love it! Thanks for sharing!!!

Beth said...

and where did you find that little jar?

Beth said...

best i could find to store it in was some tupperware... but i finally made it and i absolutely love it! she blogs the truth. it works. and works really well!