Thursday, June 4, 2009

From a shirt to a dress...

I joined a little blog sewing group and made this dress for Ruby!  The dress started out as a men's shirt.  I would have used one of Andy's shirts , but they were all washed and ironed, hanging neatly in the closet... so I went to the thrift store and picked out a shirt.  Orange gingham.  It was big, so there was plenty of leftover fabric to make the headband-hat-thingy.  Also, instead of the elastic waistband, I made a tie waistband.  Not only does it tie, but it also looks like a tie (necktie)... but it is made of washable cotton.  I carefully removed the shirt pocket and sewed it onto the skirt of the dress.  Ruby likes to fill it with treasures.  Ruby loves this dress and calls it her "sundress." 
Click here for the tutorial!

This is the second time I have tried to get good pictures of her in the dress.  She is jsut always on the move!  Next time!

no sweat... actually, no stink

I made something today.  Deodorant. 

I haven't used antiperspirant in a long time.  Like two years or something.  It is not very good for you.  And I don't like yellow pit stains in my shirts.  So, no antiperspirant for me.
Sure, I sweat.  But I don't stink.
I found a great recipe for homemade deodorant here

3 Tablespoons shea butter
3 Tablespoons baking soda
2 Tablespoons corn starch
2 Tablespoons cocoa butter
2 vitamin E oil gel caps (puncture and squeeze out the oil)
Essential Oil (I used ylang yang and orange)

I switched to this deodorant last fall.  I love it.  The ingredients are simple and it works so well!  When I say it works well, I mean you may sweat buckets, but you will not stink!  And your shirt pits will not turn yellow.
Here is a little variation on that recipe, you can find moisturizers (usually "body butter" or something thick like that) made mostly of shea and cocoa butter that are already scented with essential oils (read the ingredients), and so I use about 5 tablespoons of that.  Mix the Vitamin E oil to lotion.  And then just add the baking soda and corn starch to that.  I like Bath & Body Works body butters and massage butters for a quick deodorant.

Seriously, this stuff works well.  Fresh pits all day.  And night!

Not very crafty... but homemade.  And healthy.